

Have you ever been running a long command and thought “I wonder how long ago that output is from”? Well wonder no more! With TimeStamper, you can KNOW exactly when a console output was from.

TimeStamper grew out of a desire. A desire to have some indication of when a command output the output it did.


TimeStamper is a .Net application that can be installed anywhere that .Net is supported.

Windows with Chocolatey

Installation on Windows is just a choco install timestamper -y away.

The benefit of this method is that you don’t require .Net to be installed in order to run TimeStamper.

macOS, Linux, Windows

Are you on an operating system other than Windows? Perhaps you don’t want to install TimeStamper with the Chocolatey package. In that case, you can install TimeStamper as a .Net Global Tool: dotnet tool install timestamper.tool --global


Using TimeStamper is pretty straightforward. TimeStamper itself takes a single parameter: the path to the application you want to time stamp. It then takes the remaining arguments and passes them as arguments to the application.

There are a few ways you can make this easier with your shell should you choose to.

PowerShell wrapper

If you’re using PowerShell as your shell of choice, add the below function to you $Profile, then add whatever New-Alias commands you want to wrap.

function timestamper {
    $app = Get-Command $MyInvocation.InvocationName -CommandType Application | Select-Object -First 1
    & TimeStamper.exe $app.Source @args

New-Alias git timestamper

zsh wrapping

zsh (and I’m sure other shells) also allow you to set up aliases. Add this line to your .zshrc file to wrap git output: alias git="timestamper /usr/local/bin/git"